Tereza is a science and travel journalist and education documentary TV maker born and raised in the Czech Republic, currently residing in London, UK. After working six years in the Czech Public Service Television, she took a career break in 2011 to pursue an international experience. Holding a bachelor's in journalism and master's in cultural anthropology from the Charles University in Prague, plus a master's in space management from the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, Tereza is a pretty versatile writer who always seeks new creative approaches.
The project of a Japanese humanoid robot is only in its first stages (Credits: JAXA). When Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata embarks on his... Read more →
After information came to light earlier this week that North Korean authorities were probably delaying the planned launch of its long-range Unha-3... Read more →
While the international debate about space debris mitigation is getting ever more intense, one might wonder whether all the cubesats, constellations,... Read more →
Apart from providing a unique space analogue setting, the Sardinian caves where ESA’s 2012 caving adventure took place, revealed an entirely new... Read more →
As the wait for the breakthrough Curiosity announcement recently discussed in media worldwide goes on, let us introduce another rather surprising... Read more →
A cross-agency team led by scientists from NASA’s Marshall Space Center is developing a new tool for measuring the radiation environment in space.... Read more →
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