Tereza is a science and travel journalist and education documentary TV maker born and raised in the Czech Republic, currently residing in London, UK. After working six years in the Czech Public Service Television, she took a career break in 2011 to pursue an international experience. Holding a bachelor's in journalism and master's in cultural anthropology from the Charles University in Prague, plus a master's in space management from the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, Tereza is a pretty versatile writer who always seeks new creative approaches.
It’s been more than a week since Americans re-elected Barack Obama to serve as the president of the US for another 4 years. And even though we... Read more →
Looking down the barrel of the gun at NASA's ballistic range (Credits: Boffin Media). BBC correspondent Richard Hoolingham had the opportunity to... Read more →
A research team from the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire is working on a project that determines the radiation environment... Read more →
Knots adjusting the wiring on the deck of Curiosity rover (Credits: NASA). As noticed recently by some geeks around the International Guild of... Read more →
On Tuesday, October 23, the Soyuz TMA-06M space capsule was launched aboard the Soyuz rocket from the Russian Cosmodrome in Baikonur, Kazakhstan.... Read more →
It seems Russian spirits weren’t broken by last year’s Phobos-Grunt launch fiasco and less then a year after the botch it was confirmed that a... Read more →
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