In late 2012, after a 37-year journey, the Voyager 1 probe became the first ever object from Earth to leave the Heliosphere, a region of space dominated by the Sun. This, at least, was the claim. Based on current knowledge, we can estimate that the spacecraft will reach the Oort cloud, generally understood to be a vast cloud of icy substances beyond Pluto, in about 300 years, and eventually pass through it in 30,000 years. If we ignore the various debates, this is where the sun’s domination ends, and interstellar space begins.
Voyager 1 is based on technology from the ‘70s. The latest deep space mission probe, New Horizons, is expected to reach Pluto after a 9-year journey in 2015.
Suffice to say, we are a far cry away from traveling to our nearest stars, any of which is at least 40 trillion kilometers away. Compare this with Pluto, a mere 7.5 billion kilometers away. The question arises then, where do we stand currently?
[cleveryoutube video=”EFnJzyxd78o” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” quality=”inherit” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=” How did scientists determine when Voyager 1 left the Heliosphere?” showexpander=”off” alignment=”left” newser=”” margin=”true”]
From the Beginning to Date
A quick search on the Internet throws up the British Interplanetary Society as one of the oldest space advocacy groups in the world. Incorporated in 1933, the BIS’ motto says it all: ‘From imagination to reality‘. It was the BIS that came up with the first structured study produced by a non-governmental group focusing on interstellar travel, a 5 year long project for a plausible unmanned interstellar vehicle, dubbed Project Daedalus.
Then, there is the Tau Zero Foundation, a global volunteer group of scientists, engineers, writers and entrepreneurs working together to advance the goal of interstellar flight. Founded in 2006, it aims to address the ‘formidable challenges of interstellar flight’ with its group of experts.
A spin off of a joint initiative of both BIS and TZF, at the forefront of such studies today is Icarus Interstellar, a not-for-profit inspired by Daedalus that is carrying out a global research effort on multiple interstellar projects, manned and unmanned, focusing on different challenges, engineering and otherwise. Countless other private groups also exist, each with its own mission and vision to answer a small piece of the puzzle, to get us that much closer to reaching the stars.

Artist’s depiction of a hypothetical Wormhole Induction Propelled Spacecraft – Credits: Les Bossinas/NASA
Science Fiction: the Other Side of the Story
Interstellar travel is also the stuff of science fiction. Sir Clarke and Stanley Kubrick captured the public imagination with 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968. More recently, the movie Interstellar envisioned humans journeying to distant planets in search of habitation, courtesy of an apocalyptic climate shift on Earth. But, is this all it is? Is interstellar flight merely a construct of fiction, pleasing to the imagination, never to be anything more?
Many skeptics have argued that humankind is doomed to never leave the solar system, and with good reason. The fact that the nearest star is so far away, coupled with predicted advances in our technological prowess still does not seem enough to see interstellar travel achieved in the foreseeable future. Will we have multi-generational star ships, with humans being born in space, while still on a voyage to a star started by their parents and grandparents? Or will we have such groundbreaking technological advances that the nearest star is only a few decades away by flight?
Conservatives estimates still put the possibility for such flight at least a century away from today. Because, for all that has been said and done, we are still on the drawing board. And a space ship needs to be built.
[cleveryoutube video=”l7tV7v71k-I” vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” quality=”inherit” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses the fact and fiction of the blockbuster movie “Interstellar”.” showexpander=”off” alignment=”left” newser=”” margin=”true”]
One-Way Trip
Andreas Hein of Icarus Interstellar developed a model for forecasting the economics of a trip consistent with the Icarus mission requirements. It was found that most economically feasible scenarios would cost more than $100 trillion for an unmanned, 50-year journey within the next 300 years.
The fundamental concept here is that the scale of things is much bigger than we are used to on Earth. Time of travel is no more hours or days, but decades, even centuries. The distance traveled is just mind boggling. And if we venture out with the aim of sustaining human life elsewhere, a handful of astronauts will just not do – whole communities of thousands of people will be needed to make a significant genetic impact. These factors, coupled with the limitations of human lifetime, means that this trip would be, by default, one-way.
Needless to say, interstellar travel will require dramatic innovation in pretty much all of science, from propulsion systems and energy generation to artificial intelligence and robotics to life support systems. New questions pop up in different fields of knowledge, exposing gaps in our understanding of the world.
And what about the underlying philosophical and ethical implications? A one-way journey is the ideal ground for passionate arguments concerning its morality. What are the ethics of reproduction in space? What about the idea to ship frozen eggs or embryos that could survive for a significant part of the journey? Politically speaking, who is to blame in the event of a failure? Should we, as a species, acknowledge the fact that even the most highly qualified explorers could die due to unaccounted for circumstances?
Furthermore, our understanding of ourselves is also quite limited. Space exploration ventures of yesteryear gave birth to space psychology, a field that analyzes the behavioral changes space explorers undergo and the nature of cross-cultural interactions in the scope of 6-months mission in isolated and confined environments. What is to be said of those who venture out, knowing they will never come back, that they are at the very front lines of exploration? A generational ship could present sociocultural challenges so far unknown to us. Guesswork is the most one can do, in the absence of actual data concerning the possible psychological profiles of such travelers. An interstellar ethics code is far from set in stone, and new technological breakthroughs in the future will only raise more questions, more scenarios to analyze.

A Bussard Ramjet is one of many possible methods that could serve as propulsion for a starship. – Credits: NASA
A Quantum Leap in Technology
Regardless of type, interstellar missions will have decade or century-long travel times, thereby requiring that the technology used be completely reliable, or self-reparable. Fundamental physics dictates that there can be no moving parts, since friction would create wear and tear over decades of use.
Dr. Sten Odenwald, an astronomer and critic of interstellar travel listed, among others, the lethal environment of space as a prime challenge. We are yet to create technology that avoids the combined effects of radiation and asteroids and dust in interstellar space for starships at high speeds. He goes on to argue that the faster one travels, the more lethal the interstellar dust grains are. Conversely, the slower one goes, the longer the journey time and the absorbed radiation.
Nicolai Kardashev, a Soviet astrophysicist, introduced the Kardashev scale, a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy it is able to utilize. Type 1 denotes a civilization able to harness the energy of a planet. Type 2 denotes one that is able to harness the energy output of its star, and Type 3 one that can harness its entire galaxy. In contrast, humankind is a Type 0 civilization.
Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, divides up propulsion technology concepts according to these types, and ranks them by two parameters – specific impulse (a measure of momentum gained with respect to amount of propellant used) and final velocity of travel.
Chemical rockets are the least efficient, and this is what we have at the moment. Nuclear rockets have a higher specific impulse, while ion and plasma drives have even higher values and work by electrically accelerating ions to provide thrust. But, all these concepts still require that fuel be carried on the spacecraft. Proposed ideas to circumvent this problem include the light sail concept that slowly ventures to its destination thanks to the pressure exerted by solar winds. Additionally, ramjet fusion engines, with an even larger specific impulse operate by consuming the free hydrogen found in deep space.
Another avenue for technological improvement is the life sciences. Biologists claim that bioengineering of humans is inevitable in such scenarios, since interstellar travel would literally be the next major evolutionary step taken by humans. Suspended animation is a strong contender, wherein the life processes of astronauts will be slowed down to the bare minimum, but not to termination. Prolongation of the human lifespan during spaceflight will ensure that the entire journey occurs during one lifetime, thereby negating the need for a multi-generation ship.
Paul Gilster, a founding member of the Tau Zero Foundation and writer, explores the idea of bioengineering in his blog. He quotes an article from 1960 that calls for adapting colonists, at least partially, to the environment they would face rather than recreating an Earth-like environment for them. This circles back to the question of what is more ethical: terraform an entire planet, or bioengineering humans to deal with new, unknown environments?
[cleveryoutube video=”dAIAB8oMuS0″ vidstyle=”1″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” quality=”inherit” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”Suspended animation currently works for a few minutes only, but scientists believe the process could be extended to hours. How long before it will be possible to extend it to years?” showexpander=”off” alignment=”left” newser=”” margin=”true”]
A Dream Worth Pursuing
Overwhelmingly, we see that the deeper we delve into discussing interstellar travel, the closer to fiction we seem to get. And yet, there are real people, real engineers, scientists, sociologists and biologists contributing to the field right now. Most doubt the feasibility of travel on this scale, simply due to the limiting laws of physics. Many venture to state the absolute pointlessness of this exercise, even going as far as to say researchers in this field are nothing but delusional. Research in the field though, continues to plod on, for this is a dream worth pursuing, one of presenting the possibility of deep space travel to future generations.
Like the proverbial society with profound insight of its future, we shall plant the trees whose shade we might never sit in. For this is how progress is made.
Shivaprakash Muruganandham,
“INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL: FACT IS FICTION IS FACT” ….Is a very good article, one of the best I have read. If not the best.
I like that you do NOT focus on far-off and farfetched ultra exotic propulsion systems such as the Alcubeirre/Nataro Warp Drive metrics along with associated Dr. White Shaping Functions/York Time metrics to reduce thickness and oscillate imaginary things we cannot even prove exist; much less correctly even speculate on, at this point with our baby Kardeshev 0.72 civilization. Instead, you mention technology that is not that far off (within a few hundred years)… Daedalus, Nuclear Fusion for power generation,ending with a Fusion Bussard Ram vessel, possible perhaps in a couple hundred years.
Though economies of scale, Societal Retardation, and a clear cut plans with a focus are all impediments. Having viable profitable space industries would help as well. For a clear cut plan, I agree with Dr. Sten Odenwald whom
you also mentioned. He logically points us to colonizing the SOLAR SYSTEM, and utilizing its many resources first. Though Dr, Odenwald correctly and overtly criticizes present notions of interstellar travel, I do not think even Dr. Odenwald believes that we will “never” reach the stars (as in many thousands of years
from now). However, it’s not just that I believe the SOLAR SYSTEM is first, as
it is so much closer than stars are, it MUST also come first, as a logical
stepping stone for developing technologies, and society. Many people do not understanding that we cannot just leap and go interstellar.
Interstellar is well beyond our capability (in fact most people don’t
grasp the HUGE distance differences in interstellar versus interplanetary).
Then, also you mention Tau Zero Foundation, Icarus Interstellar, and Andreas
Heins economic estimates of a 100 Trillion dollars for a unmanned version of a
Daedalus. Hopefully, economies of scale will scale this down some in the
centuries to come, as it stands NOW, just the cost would make it impossible
today and for some time…(we do not even have nuclear fusion for power
generation yet). You also mention Paul Gilster of TZF, and his ideas on bioengineering, social issues and for recreating Earth like habitats, rotating rings, or adapting colonist all for multi-generational trips. I think colonizing the outer planets and planetoids of our Solar System will hone our technology developments in these areas as well. Perhaps by spending 500 years colonizing and utilizing the solar system first, we will then advance enough to safely use
antimatter, build exotic energy shields, magnetic shields and more things we
cannot do yet, enabling us to reach the nearest 10 stars in several decades,
instead of thousands of centuries.
Your right in that the more we think “interstellar” the closer to fiction
we get, until it’s “warp drive”… and then “it is” science fiction. Star Trek TNG. The science for warp drive is and will be MOSTLY SPECULATIVE for a long time, with MOST parts bordering on FANTASY. The only thing we learned with Jose Nataro’s and Miguel Alcubierre’s original Warp equations is that it “may”…not be “absolutely” impossible; but still impossible for us (even Alcubierrie has serious doubts that we will ever do it). Warp drive if
possible, is the purview of an advanced Kardeshev high-end Type 2 or Type 3
civilization. Even in 2215, two hundred
years from now, I “would bet” Warp Drive would be as difficult for “us”
in 2215, as it would be for Hypatia at the Library of Alexandria in 410 AD, setting
up a small base on Mars !!!. Not by 2215…not even 2515 unless some Kardeshev Type 3 ET comes along and gives us a hand (not very likely at all). Actually, Dr. Michio Kaku does mention we
could possibly reach Kardeshev Type 3 in a 100,000 years. I was actually thinking 1,500 to 2000 years. Dr. Michio Kaku might be right, I
might be overly optimistic. As Dr Michio Kaku points out, even 100,000 years is
not that long compared to astronomical time, or how much time we have before our sun becomes a
Thanks for the high words, but I would have to say there are definitely many other worthy articles of note out there. Also, it was a conscious decision to focus on technology that, as you say, seems tangible at least in the next few centuries. I am, perhaps, just as cynical about the feasibility of interstellar travel in this period, but then, that cannot be reason for apathy at a collective level.
I would agree that before we head to the stars, we should aim for turning the solar system into a living environment (as Dr.Odenwald mentions). Isn’t this exactly what we are doing, currently? Mars One is really bringing this issue to the forefront, however much one may like to criticize their project timeline. And you only have to look toward SpaceX to see the amount of effort being put into reaching Mars. And, there are quite a few others in the space business, tackling current and near-future problems of space exploration.
This is also why I find the mission statements of all the organizations I mentioned, humbling and realistic – because, I believe, they are working primarily towards building a framework that would provide basis for future research in this field.
There’s a saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.” We’re already on a multigenerational space voyage, aboard our own spacecraft, the planet Earth. If the purpose for traveling to a distant star system is simply to find another planet that resembles Earth but has some characteristics, such as an unpolluted, uncrowded environment, then why not create it here? Not to disparage the spirits of exploration and discovery which have served us well over the past few centuries, but by the time we can engineer materials and energy at the scale needed for fast interstellar travel, then we will probably have the ability to create whatever we want, wherever we happen to be. As for loss of our global civilization, selfish political usages and mismanagement represent much larger threats in the short run than does any cosmic event.