Space Safety Magazine Espresso Training Series
Hi, I am Andrea Gini, and I am the founder and former Editor-in-Chief of Space Safety Magazine. In March 2015, after a four years collaboration, I left my role of Editor-in-Chief. I developed this course to help future Space Safety Magazine staff to understand how the publication work, and how to continue from where I left.
The course include 4 video-lectures with related handouts, and a list of resources:
- Lesson 1: What is Space Safety Magazine
- Lesson 2: Roles and Responsibilities
- Lesson 3: The Editorial Process for Space Safety Magazine Online
- Lesson 4: The Editorial Process for Space Safety Magazine Quarterly
This course is an “Espresso Training Series” to get you started with Space Safety Magazine in the quickest time possible. Each lecture builds upon the previous one, so don’t cheat! Go through all the material, read the handouts, review past issues of the magazine, and take notes.
Despite my best effort to document everything I have been doing so far, you will also have to develop your own workflows and procedures. I hope you will document them, and expand this course over time with your own contributions.