Special Report: Losing Aircraft in the Space Age, Summer 2014
On March 8, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, with ICAO designation MH370, mysteriously disappeared. There were no radio transmissions indicating anything out of the ordinary. The plane simply failed to reach Vietnamese airspace after leaving Kuala Lumpur and certainly never reached its destination of Beijing. The plane simply….vanished.
This Special Report delves into how it is possible for an aircraft to vanish without a trace with dozens of Earth observation and telecommunication satellites whizzing overhead. It explores the touchpoints between aviation and space and how these impact safety in air and on ground. And it looks to the future to see how recurrence of this tragedy may be avoided in future.
Download the report or view below. If you know somebody who could be interested in reading the report, please tell them to visit the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Links Between Air and Space hub page and join the the Space Safety community. We would greatly appreciate it!