AmericaSpace was founded in 2009 by two former aerospace engineers. Since then, this site has been dedicated to reporting on the state of America’s space and aerospace efforts, which for many have been, and remain, synonymous of America’s willingness, indeed enthusiasm, to reach new horizons. As America’s human space flight program transitions from the Shuttle program to one focused on beyond earth exploration, AmericaSpace will continue to cover this evolution in spaceflight while expanding our coverage of aeronautics, milspace, and planetary exploration. We do this for one simple reason…
Because America is a nation that explores.
Members of The Mars Society’s Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station check out their equipment during this year’s expedition (Credits: The Mars... Read more →
This article continues the history recounted in Part 1: The Fateful Launch of Skylab Clogged with debris, Skylab’s sole surviving solar array... Read more →
Although the deployment of the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM), in the background, was considered relatively complex in terms of its criticality, no... Read more →
Illustration of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy launch vehicle (Credits: SpaceX),. There have been occasional suggestions that NASA should scrap its Space... Read more →
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