Reinhold Ewald started his astronaut career training as a backup for a 1992 Mir mission. He made it to space in 1997 with a 18 day stint on Mir, flying for the German space agency. After his flight, he joined the European  Space Agency and by 2006 had risen to head ESA’s ISS Flight Operations Division where he oversaw delivery of Europe’s contribution to the station infrastructure: the Columbus module.

Since 2011, Ewald has served as advisor to the Head of Director General’s Cabinet at ESA’s Paris headquarters. With a career spent preparing for  – and occasionally going on – space missions, Ewald has a few thoughts about life in space:


About the author

Merryl Azriel

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Having wandered into professional writing and editing after a decade in engineering, science, and management, Merryl now enjoys reintegrating the dichotomy by bringing space technology and policy within reach of an interested public. After three years as Space Safety Magazine’s Managing Editor, Merryl semi-retired to Visiting Contributor and manager of the campaign to bring the International Space Station collaboration to the attention of the Nobel Peace Prize committee. She keeps her pencil sharp as Proposal Manager for U.S. government contractor CSRA.

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